-If you are replacing your refrigerator, ask the manufacturer or your local authority to help you dispose of it safely: it may be possible to recycle the dangerous CFCs it contains. 

-Remember: bicycles, public transport, and your own two feet are far kinder to the environment. 

-If there are recycling facilities in your area, use them. If there aren't, ask for them. It is technically possible to recycle glass, paper, aluminum, steel, batteries, and some kinds of plastic. Some garages will help you recycle motor engine oil. 

-Save water! Take showers rather than baths - this saves up to a third of the water used - and turn the tap off while cleaning your teeth. 

-Do you really need to have the heating turned up so high? Even in the coldest countries, it shouldn't be necessary to heat homes to above 18 - 20oC. If you're cold, put on more clothes! 

-Gardeners should use organic fertilizers such as compost and manure, and avoid chemical 
pesticides and weed killers which sink into the ground and poison water resources. 

-Insulate hot water boilers, and turn them off when you go away. 

-Take your own shopping bag to the shops: billions of non­recyclable or non­biodegradable carrier bags are given away free and only used once.


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Last Updated Januaray,15 2002

First Published June 2001